CALL FOR Expression of Interest 

for evaluators  

for the SEE BRIDGE Open Call for Social Economy SMEs in energy-intensive industries 

To check the required profile, read below. To participate and join the pool of external independent evaluators for the SEE BRIDGE Open Call,

Submit your application by 30 August (17:00 CET)   

The SEE BRIDGE project aims to set up a Pool of External Evaluators to support the review process of the proposals received under the SEE BRIDGE Open Call for Social Economy SMEs in energy-intensive sectors. The pool will gather well-qualified experts in the SEE BRIDGE domains (social economy,  energy-intensive industries) selected through an open process to ensure transparent and consistent evaluation of the applications. The expertise and composition of the Pool of External Evaluators aims to allow a broad coverage of the priority topics of the Call.

A pool of 20 external evaluators will be selected. The evaluation of each proposal will be carried out by a panel of 2 external evaluators and, if necessary, a third reviewer will be involved to provide an additional independent assessment.

The External Evaluators will work remotely and independently, in personal capacity and not on behalf of an organization. They will be selected based on their field of expertise and proven experience in the priority topics and similar review activities while ensuring that competences, as well as geographical and gender coverage are factored in accordingly.

The assigned evaluators have to sign a non-conflict and confidentiality agreement and will be briefed on the principles guiding the Call, application and selection criteria and evaluation process. Evaluation will be carried out remotely. The Evaluators’ assignment, briefing, formal review and proposals ranking are expected to last for maximum 2 months after the Open Call closing date.


In the SEE BRIDGE Open Call, the SEE BRIDGE consortium will invest a total of €480,000 to support the green and digital transition of at least 60 Social Economy SMEs in the energy-intensive industries.

The beneficiary SMEs will receive financial support in the form of a lump sum, for eligible activities that can be a combination of business support services, consulting, in-company trainings and attendance of relevant events. In addition, the SEE BRIDGE partners will offer a tailored Acceleration Program for the SE SMEs, with a focus on Project Management, networking, business plan development and market research. 

For additional information about the SEE BRIDGE Open Call, please visit the Open Call page.



We are looking for external independent evaluators in the energy intensive industries domain, with specific experience in green and digital transition in industry more generally, and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism specifically. Experts must also have knowledge in the domain of the Social Economy and excellent understanding of the social economy ecosystem. Experts’ experience in evaluating EU funded projects and cascade funding will be considered an advantage.


The SEE BRIDGE evaluators will be selected on the basis of the following criteria

Expertise and/or experience in the domain of energy intensive industries and particularly the sectors identified as eligible in the Open Call (required) 

Excellent understanding of the Social Economy, its ecosystem and its principles (required).

Expertise and/or experience in the field of the Social Economy (will be considered an advantage) 

Experience or expertise in the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (will be considered an advantage)

Experience/involvement in the green and digital transition of SMEs (will be considered an advantage)  

Experience in evaluating EU funded projects or cascade funding (will be considered an advantage) 


  1. Evaluators cannot apply for the SEE BRIDGE Open Calls for grants.
  2. Evaluators cannot be part of the SEE BRIDGE project consortium.
  3. Individuals from the SEE BRIDGE project consortium institutions who are not officially assigned to the SEE BRIDGE project, nor receive financial support, are eligible to apply.
  4. Evaluators will be asked to sign a non-conflict of interest declaration, before being accepted to perform their duties for a specific SEE BRIDGE grant evaluation. A conflict of interest exists if an evaluator:
        • is a director, trustee or partner or is in any way involved in the management of the applicant’s organisation;
        • has a close family or personal relationship with the applicant or the applicant’s organisation;
        • is employed or contracted by one of the applicant’s organisation or any named subcontractors;
        • has submitted a proposal for the SEE BRIDGE Open Call;
        • was involved in any way in the preparation of the proposal or submitted the proposal itself;
        • stands to benefit directly or indirectly if the proposal is accepted. 


The services to be provided will be performed remotely and will involve the evaluation of applications submitted to the SEE BRIDGE Open Call.

The evaluation process consists of:

  • reading and analysing the background information (especially the proposals, the Open Call terms and conditions, and the briefing material);
  • participating in the expert briefing (online);
  • performing remote evaluation of the assigned proposals and submitting detailed evaluation reports of these proposals;
  • conducting online interviews with applicants in case there is a significant divergence between the scores given by the two evaluators assigned to a proposal;
  • participating in any necessary meetings between the evaluators assigned to the same proposals (consensus meetings);
  • contributing, as required, to the summary evaluation reports for the evaluated proposals and to other deliverables that may be necessary.

Evaluators selected to participate in the evaluation will be required to sign a non-conflict of interest declaration and a contract with the SEE BRIDGE project, before being accepted to evaluate any application.



Expression of Interest for External Evaluators

01 Aug – 30 Aug 2024


Selection of Evaluators

02 Sep– 15 Sep 2024


Deadline to sign contracts with evaluators

30 Sep 2024


Evaluators Briefing

04.10.2024 and 14.10.2024 (date to be specified)

Evaluation Period for SEE BRIDGE Open Call

Between 7 Oct and 29 Nov 2024

Important note: The timing and deadlines may be subject to changes


  • Get paid for providing your expertise and your time. For performing the services described, each evaluator will receive a fee between EUR 175 and EUR 350, depending on the number of proposals evaluated. The minimum number of reviewed proposals for receiving EUR 175 will be 4, and the minimum number of reviewed proposals for receiving EUR 350 will be 8.


  • Connect with socially conscious and innovative organisations SMEs, researchers and non-profit stakeholders. 
  • Contribute to supporting the green and digital transition of Social Economy SMEs in the energy intensive industries 

The total number of proposals to be evaluated by one expert will be defined as soon as the open call is closed, and the total eligible number of applications received is clear. 

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