On June 6th, the SEE BRIDGE project consortium, in cooperation with the EGI Foundation-DIH, successfully held a Peer Learning Visit in the Netherlands. This high-impact event brought together project partners and stakeholders to strengthen the social economy through green and digital transitions. 

Key Highlights 


The event was characterized by dynamic discussions and robust knowledge sharing among participants. This engagement fostered a collaborative environment and encouraged participants to delve into various topics related to the social economy, sustainable development and CBAM in energy-intensive industries.  


Participants were treated to insightful presentations on innovative services and network building. These presentations provided valuable insights into the latest advances in green and digital technologies and how these innovations can be used to adapt to new regulations and strengthen the social economy in energy-intensive industries.  


One of the most significant outcomes of the visit was increased collaboration and capacity building for social economy intermediaries in energy-intensive industries. Through the exchange of ideas and best practices, the consortium and its partners significantly advanced their collective efforts to achieve sustainability and digital transformation. 

This activity was the first of four transnational peer learning visits within the SEE BRIDGE project. The following visits will take place in Denmark, Poland and Germany. The main objective of these visits is to encourage intermediary organizations to share their experiences, learn from each other and identify opportunities for cooperation. These exchanges will focus on identifying best practices and successful business models that can be adapted and applied to social economy (SE) SMEs and intermediaries involved in the project. 

Keep tuned for more information on this and other activities.  

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